The Facility Nightmare
Zone | Starting Location | Rewards | |
Agartha | Portal (740,118) |
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Phantasmal Killer
This dungeon has very high DPS requirements, if there is a countdown on the screen, that means the time is up once it reaches zero. If that happens, all living group members will get a debuff which causes them to take large amounts of damage, which stacks until all players are dead. There is no way around this mechanic, or to postpone it, so the bosses need to die before this happens.
The Degenerate
Rush ‘N Attack
A long range dash attack, just dodge it. Do not get too close to him, however, as the wrecking ball will harm anyone too close to it while he uses this attack.
Bad Taste
Places a persistent, poisonous, field on the ground. This area will remain poisonous until the end of the encounter.
Ball Breaker
He smashes his ball into the ground, causing pieces of the ceiling to fall down. There will be several AoE circles on the ground. Just avoid them.
This is a basic fight, just be on the lookout for his Rush ‘N Attack and Bad Taste attacks. As the boss will never directly attack a player, there is no need for a tank or a healer here. Simply go in as five DPSes and focus on taking down the boss as fast as possible.
Red Guard
Electromagnetic Cauterisation
A massive AoE attack that goes in four corridor directions. RL Burn, which looks like a circle of electricity, is put at every nearby corridor intersection. Everyone must hide behind the pillars before he finishes casting this ability, or else they will die.
RL Burn
After the boss has cast Electromagnetic Cauterisation, nearby intersections will get a large, circular, electric field. Do not attempt to cross these as they will deal large amounts of damage. They will remain on the floor for the duration of the encounter, which is why it is important for the tank to keep the boss in the outer circle as shown above.
Magnifying Transmitter
An electric chain attack, it will deal a massive amount of damage to the tank, or whoever has aggro if they are too far away from the boss when this attack fires. This ability cannot be impaired. Because of this, it is recommended that the tank is within melee range of the boss when this ability is cast.
Roof Smash
The boss hits the walls and ceiling which causes bricks to drop to the ground. Just dodge these as they can be seen as white AoE circles on the floor beofre they drop.
Contain the Filth
Filth Backlash
Once a node has enough Anima, the filth reservoir will cast this. The screen will gradually turn black and white. When this happens, everyone must run up one of the stairs and wait on one of the platforms for it to finish, once the screen turns back into regular colours, the group should move on to the next node and repeat the process.
This isn’t a conventional ‘boss fight’, as there is no tangible boss here. Just stay together on the same node and wait for it to be charged. Move from node to node in between the Filth pulse waves.
Once all nodes have been fully charged with Anima, all remaining adds will simply die.
Contact Core
Tracking Laser
A laser traverses the ground. Dodge it and keep moving. Ranged DPS builds are best here as you can often keep attacking the Contact Core while avoiding the lasers.
Electricity Lock
You will have a bullseye icon above your head, then a small white circle will appear on the ground. This means a laser will be deployed, and it will follow you around. When you see the icon above your head, dodge the white circle and keep moving until the laser is gone. Keep in mind that the laser is harmful to anyone it comes near, so try not to trap other group manmers in its path when dodging it.
Core Clearance
This is a countdown, when the time is up, there will be a white circle on ground, and a voice will tell you the clearance percentage. Remember, this only happens three times. The first time is at twenty-six percent, the second time is at fifty percent, and the last time is at seventy-nine percent. If the core successfully casts the third core clearance it will kill everyone.
Core Maintenance Units
They spawn at the edges of the arena, and they will instantly heal the core back up to full health if they are allowed to reach it. You must destroy or aggro them immediately before this happens. They spawn in groups of six, and each one has 5456 HP. It is possible to see when the contact core summons these adds, as a red signal will be visible above the core when they are summoned.
Energy Barrier
When the encounter begins, a wall of lightning will divide this room into two sides. As time goes on, more walls will divide the room into more parts, and they will start shifting location. A transparent red wall will show you where a Lightning Wall is about to appear. You cannot walk through any of the walls, but you can use Death From Above or any other dash ability to safely cross them.
This fight is a DPS check, Core Maintenance Units are more important to dispose of than the Contact Core to prevent it from regaining all of its lost health.
Anima Constructs
This encounter has 5 bosses that attack in 3 waves, then all the bosses will attack together in the final phase. There are two Anima nodes in here. When the fight begins, the left node will be occupied by Filth, while the right node will have Anima. The Anima node increases your Health by 50k and gives you a 334.3% damage buff when you stand next to it.
Phase 1
Filth Exposure
When a boss’ health drops to 1 HP, it will cast this ability. The filth pool is very large and persists until the final phase of the boss fight.
Below you will find the BOSS wake up order and kill order. The bosses use abilities that the player has access to in the Ability Wheel, so if you want to know what they do, look them up in the Ability Wheel.
Wave 1
Psychosecurity Officer
This boss uses Pistols and has random aggro. Special Ability: Gun Crazy.
Wave 2
The Capsule Breaker and Reality Surgeon both wake up at the same time, however, it is extremely important that you kill the Capsule Breaker first as his aggro reset is very dangerous.
Capsule Breaker
This boss uses a hammer. Special Ability: Touchdown! Every Touchdown! is an aggro reset, which is why it should be killed first of the two.
Reality Surgeon
This boss uses a Blade. Special Ability: Surging Blades. He usually aggros the tank.
Wave 3
The Elemental Potentialist and Sequence Analyst both wake up at the same time, kill the Elemental Potentialist first, because of its aggro reset.
Elemental Potentialist
This boss uses an Elementalism Focus, Special Ability: Lightning Manifestation. Random aggroand places a manifestation on the ground, which will harm anyone who is inside it. This makes the Elemental Potentialist extremely dangerous.
Sequence Analyst
This boss uses Chaos magic, Special Ability: Black Hole. The black hole ability will impair players who step into it by throwing them up into the air.
Phase 2
When fifth boss finishes casting Filth Exposure, all of the filth pools will disappear and the bosses will wake up in rapid succession. The mechanics of each boss will be the same as in Phase 1. The kill order is also the same, the only difference is that you will have to deal with all five bosses at the same time. They will all restore 110 962 HP. Once you kill a boss in this phase it will die, and not cast another filth pool.
Halina Ilyushin
Phase 1
Everyone should stand by the anima node by the left side entrance. When Halina Ilyushin‘s HP drops to about 50%, she will run to the cosmos gate and start casting Spite and Calling to the Cosmos. Later on when Halina Ilyushin’s HP reaches 1, she will run to the centre and start casting Living the Dream.
After that, keep your eyes on the Agartha gate, Life Endures will be cast from there. This will restore your HP, once this is done you will have ten secnds to reach an anima node before you take damage from the filth on the ground.
Targets a random group member and drags him to the boss and impairs the player. Halina will also follow up with a hit. If you stand next to an anima node, however, this will not be a problem.
The boss runs to the cosmos gate and summons filth to the arena.
Calling to the Cosmos
Summons two Sunhounds from the cosmos gate.
Anima Decompression
A large AoE that deals massive filth damage.
Living the Dream
This initiates the phase transition, all group members become impaired and their HP immediately drops to 1.
Life Endures
After Living the Dream, an anima beam will come from the Agartha and hit the nodes, which in turn will restore all group members to full health.
Phase 2
Halina Ilyushin‘s HP increases to 1,813,231 and she becomes a Filth beast.
This is a Filth ball that comes from the cosmos gate. It does massive damage, everyone must keep their distance to it. It heals itself so it cannot be killed, instead the tank must kite it while the DPS focus on Halina.
Speed of Black Light
Dashes forward a long distance. Just dodge out of its way if you’re not close to an Anima node. If you are, you can just ignore it as it will not kill you.
Dirty Radiation
Massive filth damage and covers a large and wide area. Dodge out of its way if possible, and if not you should be near an anima node and at full HP when it hits.
Converts an Anima node to a Filth node.
The boss will use many AoE attacks that can be avoided, and as long as the DPSes manage to stay alive and stay near the nodes while they kill Halina, it should not cause too much trouble.