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Ciritty’s Pink Tanking Build

Build created by Ciritty
Posted by Ciritty on February 17, 2014
Last updated by Vikestart on October 12, 2015
  • Abilities
  • Gear
  • Auxiliary
  • Effectiveness
TypeDungeon Tank Build
WeaponBladeWeaponChaos Magic
AP Cost626
AP CostQL 10 Epic
  • AbilityBlade Torrent
  • AbilityClearing the Path
  • AbilityConsequence
  • AbilityChaotic Pull
  • AbilityDiscord Rising
  • AbilityMartial Discipline
  • AbilityDomino Effect
  • AbilityAgitator
  • AbilityBreakdown
  • AbilityVoracity
  • AbilityShoot 'Em Up
  • Ability12 Gouge
  • AbilityIron Maiden
  • AbilityCool, Calm & Collected
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Suggested Auxiliary Abilities
Ability Ability Crack grants you another huge damage amplifier by reducing your enemies resistances by 200 (estimates at about 8% damage increase) and up 1.5/3/4.5% damage on top of that for 3 seconds if you use a Binding signet in your whip.
Ability Ability Sometimes you need even more impairs. Try to convince your team mates to take Crack instead.
Gear Stats
1800+Attack Rating
650Hit Rating
750Block Rating
For most bosses, you should be able to go lower on Health so you can get more Attack Rating. More damage will help you generate more hate too.
Head:Signet of Order / Signet of Laceration
Majors:Signet of Vigour, Signet of Violence
Minors:Signet of Ablation
Blade:Signet of Breaching
Chaos Focus:Signet of Breaching / Signet of Aggression

The Polaris

Hell Raised

The Darkness War

Hell Fallen

The Ankh

The Facility

Hell Eternal

The Slaughterhouse

The Penthouse

The Manufactory

Manufactory Breached



New York

Agartha Defiled



El Dorado







I tried coming up with a better name, but what’s better than pink? This is the most basic and balanced tanking build i came up with when i was in 10.0.4 tanking gear and it works great all the way from 10.0 to 10.5.5 For more tanking info be sure to check out Pink Tanking Guide.


Dancing Blade & Elemental Force

Once fully geared and experienced enough to handle a focused consumer without messing up your impairs Dancing Blade (Replace for clearing the path) combined with Elemental force (Replace for Voracity) will help you increase your damage output.

Master’s House

Trading impair for more Damage when not required.


If in need of more hate this active provides you with increased hate generation on demand.


If you’re having trouble surviving somehow, another defensive cooldown may aid you.

Paradigm Shift

Hit fix for starting tanks/ Higher hit requirement dungeons (Hell Eternal, Hell raised, Slaughterhouse). In lower gear levels you will want to replace 12 gauge with this, once geared replace voracity instead.


It’s a fairly straight forward setup that by default provides an adequate amount of mitigation and dps (hate) while being extremely versatile in allowing you to add more of either by merely switching some actives/passives.

When you’re making use of 12 Gauge, using Clearing the path with less than 5 resources can be a clever tactic, but only to get more debilitated stacks faster your hate and damage output will be affected negatively so make sure to do so sparingly, use a normal rotation otherwise.

Discord rising applies 4 stacks (3 without Breakdown) of exposed and can hit the same target multiple times allowing you to stack exposed faster, while not a great addition over long fights it’s certainly a nice button to have.

Martial Discipline is my favored damage reduction cooldown for one of the primary reasons I advocate block rating, the high chance to reduce damage makes for a reliable damage reduction when in peril.

The low cooldown and range of chaotic pull makes this ability the number one impair that should always be included in a tank build that uses a chaos focus! Both Chaotic pull and Dominos effect can be used to interrupt abilities.

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