The Polaris
Our wisdom flows to sweet. Taste and see.
TRANSMIT - initiate hel-blár signal - RECEIVE - initiate the Vampyroteuthis Infernalis frequency - STOP ROT BEFORE IT STARTS - initiate the Nørre Nærå Runestone lexicon - WITNESS - Draug Island.
Listen, sweetling. The seagulls scream.
"Draug! Draug! Draug!"
The seagulls are agitated. They are accustomed to eating the bloat-rot flesh of the drowned dead. They are not accustomed to such food walking.
There squats a tiny island, accessible by rowboat, not so very far from Kingsmouth. Red seaweed chokes the rocky shores. Pods pulsate, full to bursting with vile nativity. The fog covers all in a claustrophobic embrace swallowing sound to near silences occasionally broken by hungry moans.
The seagulls scream.
When the fog came, a gargantuan container ship lost its way and ran around, spilling its cargo over the beach. Men became monsters, either lurching as the walking dead, or breaking out in barnacle sores as the draug - the again walkers - also called draugur and draugar and aptrgangr.
The corpse of the ship still rests here. See what lies in its hull.
The seagulls have gone quiet. A crawling shape intrudes. It blots out all reason in an inky black madness.
The Ur-Draug.
Not even the seagulls dare to scream its name.