New website for the relaunch

This legacy website pertains to the classic version of The Secret World. We have made a brand new website for Secret World Legends, the relaunched game!

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Post Details


Posted by Vikestart on June 4, 2014
Last updated by Vikestart on July 24, 2015
Zone Starting Location Rewards
Kaidan Discarded cell phone (380,655) XP224 400 PAX15 000  BB6
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Tier 1

Objective: Examine the mobile phone

Examine the mobile phone on the ground by clicking on it.

Tier 2

Objective: Use the mobile phone to locate the first GPS signal

Use the mobile phone which has been placed in your inventory. This will start a tracking process where the green tracking sonar will beep faster and faster when you get closer to the signal. This one is at (315,600). Click on the mobile phone to proceed.


Objective: Locate the second GPS signal

Objective: Locate the third GPS signal

Objective: Locate the fourth GPS signal

The second GPS signal originates from (260,685). Click on the mobile phone to proceed.


The third GPS signal originates from (375,795). Click on the mobile phone to proceed.


The fourth GPS signal originates from (500,600). Click on the mobile phone to proceed.


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