The Christmas Conspiracy
Zone | Starting Location | Rewards | |
London | Albion Theatre entrance (125,240) |
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Accept this mission by checking the messages inbox in the lower right corner of the screen. If you cannot see this icon, make sure you don’t have any outdated mods preventing you from seeing it.
Tier 1
Objective: Claim your ticket at the Albion Theatre
Go to the Albion Theatre in London. Entering the Albion Theatre while on this mission will put you in a different instance than the normal one, where the mission takes place.
Objective: Speak to the attendant
Simply click on the attendant.
Objective: Check the seating chart
Interact with the chart on the nearby wall.
Objective: Take your allocated seat, in “Friends and Family,” and wait for the show to begin
Find the stairs to the second floor, on the right side when facing the stage. Sit on any of the chairs on either of the balconies there.
Nobody expects the Phoenician inquisition!
Objective: Survive the Phoenician Attack
You still have the element of surprise here, they don’t know that you are here. Whenever you’re ready, attack and defeat the Phoenicians. There will be several additional waves coming from the entrance.
Objective: Search backstage for further information
Interact with Francis’ cell phone behind the stage.
Objective: Examine Angelina’s Notebook
It’s on the same table.
Objective: Pick up the flute
Objective: Examine the bottle of Manna
The flute is in the crafte to the left of the table and the bottle is on the table.
Tier 2
Objective: Go to the Sunken Library in Venice
The entrance to the Sunken Library is east of the main platform. You can jump down onto that branch from the main platform.
Objective: Search the Sunken Library for information
You need to examine 3 specific pieces of litterature. The first book is found in one of the first bookshelves you see when entering the library. This one will also give you a lore piece!
The second one is in the far north of the area highlighted on the map.
The third one in the southeastern part of the highligthed area.
Tier 3
Objective: Travel to The San Nicolo al Lido Catacombs
The entrance is marked on the map, on the opposite side from Arturo’s office.
Objective: Find a way to enter the catacombs
Examine the nearby book.
Below, you will find a hint and then the solution.

Objective: Proceed forward
The door has opened. Proceed through it and deeper into the catacombs.
Objective: Free the voice of Papageno
The bird cages obviously play an essential part in this puzzle.
Objective: Proceed forward
Again, continue deeper into the cataboms!
Objective: Save Pamina from Monostatos
Now this is a really interesting puzzle. Once you enter the hall up ahead, the attacking statue will start periodically sliding towards the soon to be victim.
If you fail, it will reset and you end up outside the room. Hint and solution below.

Objective: Proceed forward
On your way, you will come across a fountain. You should interact with it and write down the melody it plays. Nothing here is random, so it will surely be useful later! :)
Objective: Quell the whispers
Good luck! Remember that the book you picked up keeps updating with the new melodies you discover. That could be useful.
Hint and solution beolw.

Objective: Proceed forward
Wait, there’s more!
Objective: Quench the spirit of fire
When you approach the next puzzle, the fire spirit will start moving towards you.
Hints and solution below.

You have to do the above three times before you permanently quench the spirit of fire.
Objective: Proceed forward
After the Spirit of Fire is down, go deeper into the catacombs.
Objective: Bypass the grasping hands
I wouldn’t try my chances at jumping… over that. Hint and solution below.

Objective: Destroy the Queen of Night
The next puzzle is right behind the door. Your path will be blocked by what looks like a thick layer of spider-web. Hint and solution below.
This will cause the passage up ahead to be blocked by a persistent fire.
Solution below.
The next passage will be blocked by the queen’s scream.
Hint and solution below.
The end of the corridor will be blocked by a wall of fog. You cannot pass through it.
Hint and solution below.

Objective: Proceed forward
You may now pass through where the wall of fog once were. You will come to another door that is locked. Hint and solution below.
Objective: Stop the Phoenicians
No hesitation, bring them down! There are 6 of them in the room, and a few more will come after you defeat those.
Objective: Defeat Lidiya
After that, someone familiar will come and attack you. The plot thickens.
At some point, she will silence you, preventing you from using your abilities for a while. Avoid the grenades she throw at you.
When the effect wears off, attack again! Though, she will escape once more. It’s her thing.
Objective: Check Angelina’s body
Objective: Recover the Manna
Examine the Cellphone next to the body.
The Manna is on a crate near the hole the waves of Phoenicians came from. Interact with it to complete the mission.
To exit the instance afterwards, run back to the entrance or teleport out of there using the Agartha Conduit or something else.