Training Day
Zone | Starting Location | Rewards | |
New York | Given Automatically |
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Tier 1
Objective: Exit Zurn’s lab
Leave out the only door.
Objective: Go to the lobby
Continue up the ramp.
Objective: Find and enter the Test Chamber
Follow the map marker to the Test Chamber at (200, 360). Go inside.
Tier 2
Objective: Make contact with the combat director
Approach the combat director and a cutscene will trigger.
Tier 3
Objective: Equip a weapon then return to Director De la Guardia
Select any weapon in the Test Chamber and take the mini-mission for it. This mini-mission will automatically award you with a set of starter talismans and the weapon of your choice. Here, I chose the Assault Rifle.
Equip your new set of gear from your inventory. You will also have been awarded a couple basic abilities for your chosen weapon. Target one of the holograms and use your builder ability (it will be in slot 1 by default) on it. Next, use your consumer ability on the combat hologram (it will be in slot 2 by default).
Completing the weapon mini-mission will award you 2 AP and 2 SP (but no experience).
After you’ve finished with the weapon mini-mission return to the combat director.
Objective: Pick up the phone
Grab the phone next to the combat director.
Objective: Exit the test chamber, and go meet your primary contact
Leave the test chamber and head up the ramp on the far end of the complex.
Here you will meet your Illuminati handler, Kirsten Geary. You will learn to love this woman and actively look forward to completing missions so you can read her messages. Approach her to trigger a cutscene.
Tier 4
Objective: Find the corridor that leads deep into the warehouse
Go back down the ramp and at the bottom turn right into the corridor.
Objective: Follow the corridor into the warehouse
This hall will lead you to the warehouse.
Objective: Find the Agartha entrance
Keep going until you get to a large truck. Turn right past it and you’ll see another open door
Go in and turn left. You will find the Agartha entrance here.
Tier 5
Objective: Enter Agartha
Walk into the portal to enter Agartha. You will be treated to a cutscene. After the cutscene you will be given your Agartha Conduit which will allow you to instantly return to Agartha from anywhere in the world once per hour.
Tier 6
Objective: Find and enter the portal to Kingsmouth Town
Go down the main Agartha path.
Kingsmouth Town is the first portal you encounter. Enter it and when you load on the other side take a few steps forward and your mission is complete.
Welcome to the Illuminati.