Progress Update – June 26th
This is Vikestart, the Project Administrator. As we are nearing the first anniversary for this project, I want to give an update on our general progress and where the project is now headed. As we open up more and more sections of this website, I am starting to realise the true extent of this project and what possibilities that lie ahead. Suffice it to say, I had never imagined that the project would stretch as wide as it does today..
Tokyo is out and while we have most of that covered right now, there is still a lot left to be done overall. Over the coming weeks, more lore lists will be published, more rare monster guides will roll out, lists of weapon skins will surface, more interactive maps will be added and much much more.
Those are just the things that you will see very soon though. We have a lot more planned for the path ahead such as a deck builder, a complete NPC and monster database and more.
We are nearing the one year anniversary for the conception of TSW Database as a project, when work on it began on July 18, 2013. We are in the early stages of planning something special to celebrate that, however, more on that as we get closer to that date and the details have been set in stone. Still, I am very impressed from the work that the team and I have managed to pull off since the start of this project. It has been a long road with hours upon hours of work and long sleepless nights here and there, but it’s been worth it!
Finally, I extend my thanks to the community for all the support we have gotten over the course of this first year. The community is an essential part of any MMO and that is why we have chosen to focus on that as well. In our dedicated community section, you can find lists of fansites, community arranged events and even more soon.
Also, as announced earlier, Ciritty has joined the leadership of this project, which should balance out things and make things more efficient. If you have any questions, you can direct them towards either of us :)